Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How to get Long and Beautiful Hair - Tip To Grow Long Hair

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How to get Long and Beautiful Hair - Tip To Grow Long Hair

Women always wish for long and beautiful hair
here are some tips for your long hair

1. after taking a bath apply coconut water in your hair.
2.  take four table spoon yogurt two table spoon henna and one tea spoon coconut or olive oil
mix well and apply in your hair wash after 20 minutes and to it twice a week.
3.take some mayonnaise.. massage well in hair skin and wash after some time it
will make you hair silky and shiny.
4. if your hairs are too dry than take egg yolk beat well add one table spoon water than add
its egg white and again beat it well than massage your hair with it
wash after 30 minutes.

How to get Long and Beautiful Hair - Tip To Grow Long Hair

How to get Long and Beautiful Hair - Tip To Grow Long Hair

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